

DOJ Evaluating The Strength of a Company’s Compliance Program - Compensation Tie In & Self-Disclosure
Your Boards Should Be Aware - As Compliance Programs Go Under Magnifying Glass

Deputy Attorney General Lisa O. Monaco Delivers Remarks on Corporate Criminal Enforcement
New York City, NY ~ Thursday, September 15, 2022 - At NYU

It all comes back to corporate culture.

Last October, I announced immediate steps the Justice Department would take to tackle corporate crime. I also formed the Corporate Crime Advisory Group, a group of DOJ experts tasked with a top-to-bottom review of our corporate enforcement efforts. Comprised of a group of experts including public interest groups, ethicists, academics, audit committee members, in-house attorneys, former corporate monitors, and members of the business community and defense bar.

Our meetings sparked discussions on
individual accountability and corporate responsibility; on predictability and transparency; and on the ways enforcement policies must square with the realities of the modern economy.

First, I’ll reiterate that the Department’s
number one priority is individual accountability. Second, I’ll discuss our approach to companies with a history of misconduct.

Third, I’ll highlight
new Department policy on voluntary self-disclosures, including the concrete and positive consequences that will flow from self-disclosure. We expect good companies to step up and own up to misconduct. Voluntary self-disclosure is an indicator of a working compliance program and a healthy corporate culture.

Fourth, I’ll detail when
compliance monitors are appropriate and how we can select them equitably and transparently.

Finally, I’ll discuss how the Department
will encourage companies to shape financial compensation around promoting compliance and avoiding improperly risky behavior.

These steps include rewarding companies that claw back compensation from employees, managers, and executives when misconduct happens. No one should have a financial interest to look the other way or ignore red flags. Corporate wrongdoers—rather than shareholders—should bear the consequences of misconduct.
Individual Accountability

Let me start with our top priority for corporate criminal enforcement: going after individuals who commit and profit from corporate crime.

In the last year, the Department of Justice has secured notable trial victories, including convictions of the founder and chief operating officer of Theranos; convictions of J.P. Morgan traders for commodities manipulation; the conviction of a managing director at Goldman Sachs for bribery; and the first-ever conviction of a pharmaceutical CEO for unlawful distribution of controlled substances.

Despite those steps forward, we cannot ignore the data showing overall decline in corporate criminal prosecutions over the last decade. We need to do more and move faster. So, starting today, we will take steps to empower our prosecutors, to clear impediments in their way, and to expedite our investigations of individuals.

To do that, we will require cooperating companies to come forward with important evidence more quickly.

Sometimes we see companies and counsel elect—for strategic reasons—to delay the disclosure of critical documents or information while they consider how to mitigate the damage or investigate on their own. Delayed disclosure undermines efforts to hold individuals accountable. It limits the Department’s ability to proactively pursue leads and preserve evidence before it disappears. As time goes on, the lapse of statutes of limitations, dissipation of evidence, and the fading of memories can all undermine a successful prosecution.

In individual prosecutions, speed is of the essence.

History of Misconduct

Now, it’s safe to say that no issue garnered more commentary in our discussions than the commitment we made last year to consider the full criminal, civil, and regulatory record of any company when deciding the appropriate resolution.

That decision was driven by the fact that between 10% and 20% of large corporate criminal resolutions have involved repeat offenders.

In response to that feedback, today, we are releasing additional guidance about how such histories will be evaluated.

Voluntary Self-Disclosure

That said, the clearest path for a company to avoid a guilty plea or an indictment is voluntary self-disclosure. The Department is committed to providing incentives to companies that voluntarily self-disclose misconduct to the government. In many cases, voluntary self-disclosure is a sign that the company has developed a compliance program and has fostered a culture to detect misconduct and bring it forward.

Our goal is simple: to reward those companies whose historical investments in compliance enable voluntary self-disclosure and to incentivize other companies to make the same investments going forward.

We also want to clarify the benefits of promptly coming forward to self-report, so that
chief compliance officers, general counsels, and others can make the case in the boardroom that voluntary self-disclosure is a good business decision.

AdvertisementSo, for the first time ever, every Department component that prosecutes corporate crime will have a program that incentivizes voluntary self-disclosure. If a component currently lacks a formal, documented policy, it must draft one.

Corporate Culture

As everyone here knows,
it all comes back to corporate culture.

In our discussions leading to this announcement, we identified encouraging trends and new ways in which compliance departments are being strengthened and sharpened. But resourcing a compliance department is not enough; it must also be backed by, and integrated into, a corporate culture that rejects wrongdoing for the sake of profit. And companies can foster that culture through their leadership and the choices they make.

To promote that culture, an increasing number of companies are choosing to reflect corporate values in their compensation systems.

Going forward, when
prosecutors evaluate the strength of a company’s compliance program, they will consider whether its compensation systems reward compliance and impose financial sanctions on employees, executives, or directors whose direct or supervisory actions or omissions contributed to criminal conduct. They will evaluate what companies say and what they do, including whether, after learning of misconduct, a company actually claws back compensation or otherwise imposes financial penalties.

I have asked the Criminal Division to develop further guidance by the end of the year on how to reward corporations that employ clawback or similar arrangements. This will include how to help shift the burden of corporate financial penalties away from shareholders—who frequently play no role in misconduct—onto those more directly responsible.

Today’s announcements are fundamentally about individual accountability and corporate responsibility. But they are also about ownership and choice.

Companies should feel empowered to do the right thing—to invest in compliance and culture, and to step up and own up when misconduct occurs. Companies that do so will welcome the announcements today. For those who don’t, however, our Department prosecutors will be empowered, too—to hold accountable those who don’t follow the law.
