The Best of All Worlds
Supercharging your Events: The Future is Hybrid
Flagship - Satellite & Online Virtual Events
When face-to-face events do return, the world will have changed.
When face-to-face events do return, the world will have changed. As associations
discover the benefits of scale, speed, and cost-effectiveness inherent to
virtual events, they will want to amplify their real-world events with a virtual
component to boost attendance and engagement while driving more value to
At the time of writing this piece, the association and conventions world
survives on a steady diet of Zoom calls and virtual conferences while eagerly
awaiting a return to real-life events.
Sure, virtual events have the advantage of scalability, lower cost and speed of
deployment, but we can’t expect people to adopt a completely virtual life
Many relationships must be initiated and maintained in the real world where
deeply human traits, mannerisms, body language, and visual cues play a crucial
role in our assessment of new and existing human connections.
The world of tomorrow is unlikely to be defined by an endless string of virtual
events and meetings, just as working from the kitchen table is probably not
going to be the norm indefinitely. Human-to-human contact and interactions is as
strong a need as ever and its value will have risen significantly as it is no
longer taken for granted.
An entirely new approach to events
But we’d all miss out on a tremendous opportunity to shape an entirely new
approach to events, human togetherness, learning, and community involvement if
we simply cast aside the wisdom gleaned in recent months from being forced to
adopt new ways of interacting.
On the surface, simply streaming a live, in-person event to a segment of virtual
participants may seem enough to qualify as a hybrid event and the challenge
appears mostly to be of a technical nature; What system do we use to broadcast?
Do we pre-record or go live with our keynotes?
However, the reality is that you’re attempting to connect two diametrically
opposed societal realities under one banner: the intimacy and body
language-driven nature of real-life events and the detached, scattered reality
of a potentially global audience, each member probably participating in
With two distinct audience groups to please and engage with, the question then
becomes: do you design your event primarily for the live audience while also
involving the virtual attendees, or do you design primarily for the global,
virtual audience while also providing value to the live attendees?
Now and in the future, a virtual audience allows for a larger scale and a lower
cost of operation. Attractive propositions, especially if you keep in mind that
sponsors and advertisers primarily consider your reach, that is to say, the size
of your audience, to be a key benchmark,
a topic I’ve previously addressed.
Clearly, therefore, disincentivizing your virtual audience by relegating them to
mere spectatorship isn’t a great idea. I often wonder what proportion of virtual
event attendees are actually present when logged in versus those that are just
physically present but with blank minds, or just not there in front of the
screen paying attention.
You need to make sure they feel as involved as your real-life audience, but
under very different circumstances. The burden of fulfilling and realizing that
involvement falls to you, the event owner and planner.
In a real-world environment
On the other hand, there are elements to all events that simply work better in
the real world and are therefore best staged in a real-world environment. Just
because some content can be presented in a virtual format does not mean it
should be.
Take keynote speakers, for example, a core component for just about every
successful event. Most professional keynote speakers consider themselves, and
are, performers, and they tend to perform best in front of a live audience.
In fact, even remote, digital viewers of a keynote tend to respond better to the
speaker when they see there is live audience engagement happening, even when
they’re not there themselves.
If you’ve ever watched a standup comedy show on Netflix or Youtube, you’ll
understand what I mean. The response and laughter from the audience are recorded
and displayed alongside the performance itself because it makes the viewer feel
involved. The producers could have just as easily simply shown a frontal view of
the comedian but instead you’ll typically get cutaways to a wide shot of the
audience as they (presumably) are laughing and engaging.
If you’ve ever watched an episode of Friends, Frasier, Seinfeld or just about
any other comedy show, you’ll be familiar with the laughter track that is
superimposed on top of the dialogue, for that same reason.
Now, of course, we’re not discussing comedy here per se, but the psychological
mechanics are the same. People hanker for a sense of community and that involves
creating an environment for that to be possible even as people are watching in
isolation from thousands of kilometers away.
So rather than asking a speaker to deliver a virtual keynote from his or her
home or studio to a live or virtual audience, I would suggest always bringing in
the keynote speaker in front of a live audience, even a small, local one, and
then streaming that environment to a greater virtual audience. This way both the
real and the virtual audience feel a similar level of involvement, as does the
speaker. Everyone’s happy.
In fact, I recommend taking this concept of remote audience involvement a step
further by creating simultaneous satellite events so that members can physically
be around other members but without having to travel across the country or the
world. I’ll even wager a prediction by stating this will become the norm in the
coming years.
For example, if your flagship event is in, say, London but you have members in
Berlin, New York and Tokyo interested in participating remotely, then why not
create localized, real-world mini-events for those members where they can
physically get together to watch your main event?
Even if it’s just two or three people together in a small meeting room or even a
quiet breakout room in a pub in those remote locations, they will feel involved,
they’ll feel cared for and they’ll have a chance to network and interact. You
still benefit from the scalability of the virtual world but your members are not
subjected to the isolation and lack of fellowship inherent in having to attend a
virtual event from the kitchen table.
Always been hybrid
The idea that ‘virtual’ has to mean remotely located people consuming digital
content in total isolation is a misconception that will lead to poor attendance,
low levels of engagement, and worryingly, low retention of your sponsors’ and
advertisers’ brands.
If you think it through you will find that the question of whether you should
hold a virtual, hybrid or real event is a false dilemma. Since we’ve all been
routinely checking our phones, getting some work done, responding to office
calls, and talking to the family at just about every real-life conference or
event in the past, our participation and our attention have always been hybrid,
which is to say happening across locations, devices, and channels.
Don’t make the mistake of thinking that the future is just about holding
flagship events with a legion of digital, disembodied global eavesdroppers
participating from afar.
The future is about leveraging technology to foster a sense of community within
each of the remote regions and then having those communities come together
during satellite events to participate as a small group in your flagship event.
Article originally posted on