Target - Nordstrom - VF Corp - Levi Strauss Speak Out
Retail Reaches Out on Race
Amid the ongoing protests following
George Floyd’s death,
retailers are openly addressing racism and supporting change.

Retailers are wading into the national conversation on race — and just as it
hits a fever pitch.
The death of George Floyd at the hands of Minneapolis police officer last week
pushed long-simmering frustration over racism
beyond the boiling point, but retailers are finding common cause with the
protesters stepping out to say enough is enough.
“We are a community in pain,” said Brian Cornell, chairman and chief executive
officer of the Minneapolis-based Target Corp. “That pain is not unique to the
Twin Cities — it extends across America. The murder of George Floyd has
unleashed the pent-up pain of years, as have the killings of Ahmaud Arbery and
Breonna Taylor. We say their names and hold a too-long list of others in our
hearts. As a Target team, we’ve huddled, we’ve consoled, we’ve witnessed
horrific scenes similar to what’s playing out now and wept that not enough is
changing. And as a team we’ve vowed to face pain with purpose.”
The Target Lake Street store in its hometown was looted and heavily damaged, but
the ceo said the retailer is sending truckloads of first aid equipment and other
essentials to areas to make sure areas hit hardest by demonstrations get needed
supplies. Associates at the Lake Street store are being given their full pay “in
the coming weeks” and access to other opportunities.
Barbara Kahn, a marketing professor at the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton
School, praised Target’s reaction, but noted that weighing in on such an issue
can make for a touchy bit of corporate communication.
“You’ve got to be super careful on this,” Kahn said. “In this polarized world,
they are asking people to show their values. If your values aren’t authentic
there’s going to be some backlash.”
She said companies need to weigh in in a way that fits with their corporate
And some of the corporate voices speaking up, such as Levi Strauss & Co., are
accustomed to jumping into emotionally charged issues.
Chip Bergh, Levi’s president and ceo, sent a message under the heading: “We
Stand With the Black Community.”
“America is burning because of the deep-rooted racism that is our nation’s most
shameful legacy,” Bergh said. “The murder of George Floyd by four Minneapolis
police officers was brutal and senseless, as were the recent killings of Ahmaud
Arbery, Breonna Taylor and so many others before them. I am heartbroken for
those individuals and the families and communities they were taken from. They
deserved better. We have to be better.
“The protests around the country are a reflection of generations of pain,
suffering, anger and fear that Americans of color have been living with for far
too long,” Bergh said. “Martin Luther King Jr. once said, ‘A riot is the
language of the unheard.’ We need to listen. And, just as importantly, we need
to act.”
Bergh acknowledged that some of the action needed requires introspection — and a
kind of meditation on Levi’s “core values of empathy, integrity and courage.”
“We at LS&Co. are far from perfect,” he said. “We have a lot of work to do
internally and externally to live up to the ideals we cherish as a company. That
includes continuing to listen to Black employees when they speak about their
experience at our offices, with our business and in our country.”
Levi’s is also giving two $100,000 grants, one to Live Free, which works with
marginalized communities, and the other to the American Civil Liberties Union.
At Nordstrom Inc., Pete Nordstrom, president, stores, and Erik Nordstrom, ceo,
sent an open letter to employees, adding: “The issue of race and the experiences
of too many people of color cannot be ignored. We owe it to our employees, our
customers and our communities to be very clear in condemning these acts of
“We need change,” the Nordstroms said. “As a company, we know we have the
opportunity to make things better, which is why over the past several years
we’ve amplified our efforts when it comes to diversity, inclusion and belonging
at Nordstrom. It begins not only by speaking out, but by listening. Listening to
our employees, customers and neighbors as they share what it’s like to be a
person of color in our country today.”
The killing of Floyd, the protests and then violence — all while the nation is
still just tentatively getting back on its feet from the coronavirus shutdown —
has brought out many speaking forcefully, connecting the dots in perhaps
language too stark to come from the standard corporate playbook.
“This should never have happened, period, much less again,” said Steve Rendle,
chairman, president and ceo of Vans and The North Face parent VF Corp. “But, if
we’re honest, we know it likely will. We know this story all too well because
it’s repeated with frustrating regularity, not only in the U.S. but all over the
world. It’s heartbreaking. And it’s unacceptable.
“I can’t help but draw comparisons between it and the global pandemic we’re
currently facing,” Rendle said. “Why? Because both have been caused by a virus.
The virus behind our global shutdown has a formal name: COVID-19. The virus that
caused the death of George Floyd and many other people of color also has a
formal name. It’s called racism. Unfortunately, our world only seems interested
in finding a cure for one of these diseases.”
Expect to hear more from VF.
“Unlike the coronavirus, we aren’t going to stay in our homes or hide from the
racism virus,” the ceo said. “We’re going to continue to fight it, but do so
through constructive and collaborative efforts, not destructive and violent
protests.…Over the coming weeks, you will see VF and our brands speak out
against racism and engage both our associates and external audiences in
positive, productive dialogue.”