Organized Property Crime
Yes Europol Does Assist Member States & U.S. With 'Organized Property Crime' -
ORC | See how
Which by it's own definition
includes ORC
vehicle crime, domestic and business burglaries, pick-pocketing and ATM attacks
are some of the most common forms of organized property crime conducted by
cross-border organized criminal groups.
Crimes in this category are often committed by
highly mobile organized crime groups
that, often exploiting diaspora communities in Member States to create networks
of contacts, anchor points and logistical support, typically carry out a
significant number of offences in a region over a short period before moving on.
As organized property crimes are often investigated in isolation at the local
level, an analysis at the national level is often lacking, making these crimes
harder to detect and, consequently, to solve. In many cases, incidents of
property crime are still
classified as petty criminality without recognizing the organized crime aspect.
and theft
Of major concern to EU law enforcement is the
steady increase in reported
burglaries in recent years.
This increase particularly affects business premises, which are targeted much
more frequently than before. Burglaries of business premises often involve
intrusion into the property via the roof.
Estimates suggest
one burglary is committed
every 1.5 minutes in the EU,
with some Member States registering 1 000 burglaries every day.
Organised crime groups make use of various online services to facilitate their
burglaries and fencing goods via online marketplaces.
Organized robberies
As security measures have made it more difficult to rob banks and other
cash-intensive businesses,
commercial premises with less
sophisticated security measures in place are increasingly the target of armed
robberies by mobile organized crime groups.
Jewellery stores and other
businesses selling
highly valuable and compact goods also remain popular targets for armed robbers,
who use various methods of attack,
including smash and grab.
The mandate of
Analysis Project (AP) Furtum
covers all aspects of property crime such as major burglaries, armed robberies
(banks, jewellery, money transporters and depots), motor vehicle crimes, cargo
crime, metal theft, organized pick-pocketing.
Mobile Organized Crime Groups
Europol's ORC Effort Focused On 'Crime Area': 'Mobile Organized Crime Groups'
organised crime groups (MOCGs)
active in many crime areas,
and move quickly around within and across multiple jurisdictions. It is this
that makes it tough to tackle them.
Europol works with
law-enforcement agencies within and outside the EU to identify and dismantle the
networks behind these MOCGs.
Primarily involved in property
crime or fraud, MOCGs focus on such activities as:
robberies, including armed robberies
organized shoplifting and pick pocketing
cash-machine and
cash-in-transit attacks
the theft of a range of
high-value items.